Destination Chain Submission and Validation

Submission to Destination Chain

  • Sending the Proof: The aggregated signature and verification results are packaged and sent to the destination chain for processing.

  • Transaction Creation: A transaction is created on the destination chain that includes the message, the aggregated signature, and any supporting data.

void submitToDestinationChain(Message message, std::string aggregatedSignature) {
    log("Submitting verification result to destination chain");
    Transaction tx = createTransaction(message, aggregatedSignature);

Validation on Destination Chain

  • Smart Contract Validation: A smart contract on the destination chain verifies the aggregated signature to ensure that the message was validated by the required number of nodes.

  • State Update: If the verification is successful, the state on the destination chain is updated accordingly (e.g., minting tokens, updating balances).

function validateAndProcess(bytes memory message, bytes memory aggregatedSignature) public {
    require(verifyAggregatedSignature(message, aggregatedSignature), "Invalid signature");
    // Proceed with state update

Submission and Validation Flow Diagram

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